Monday, January 17, 2011

Possible or Not?

WHAT is your faith founded upon?  Is it founded upon the circumstances based on your senses, or is it founded upon the Word of God?  Because the Word of God is the will of God.  Do you know His will?  If you answer yes to that, then there isn't anything too difficult for you.  What does His Word says about your situation today?
One of the many encouraging words that came out of Jesus' lips are these:  For with God nothing shall be impossible -Lk 1:37.  With God all things are possible -Matt 19:26.   There is nothing to hard for You -Jer 32:17.  Then why is it that things are so hard for us?  We've hardly witness enough evidence that all things are possible.  So where's the hitch here?

In Mark 9 is the story of the father whose son had a mute spirit.  By this time Jesus' ministry and His reputation has gotten quite a respond in that area.  The story took place where the desperate dad brought his son to the disciples and they couldn't do anything about it.  Jesus asked how long has this been?  The father replied, "From childhood...."  And he didn't stop there.  If he'd any sense, the father would've known when to shut his mouth.  But instead he went on and on rehearsing about the situation.  From here, I gather that the dad were trying to convince Jesus into doing something for the boy.  He wanted to make an impact on the scenario by expounding on the details.  The Lord asked, "How long?"  His answer should've been, "From childhood."  Zip.

Then he added, "If you can do anything, have compassion on us."  Look what Jesus' replied, "If you can believe, all things are possible for him who believes."  Jesus dumped that thing right back on him.  That man came under conviction and said, "Lord, I believe, help my unbelief.".
People got this idea that, oh this thing is too out of hand.  Its too big, too great, too horrible, too pitiful... what can God do?  Hey whatever your problem is, its too big for you but it ain't too big for God.  He's not the One who has the problem.  You are.  Its what it appears to be in your eyes.  In God's eyes, nothing is too hard.

"Yeah but I don't know if He'll do it for me."  That's exactly what that father was thinking about his son.  He'd no trouble believing that Jesus could heal the boy, that's the reason he's there.  But he ain't too sure if Jesus will do that for him.  That's why he went ahead to rehearse the history and let Jesus know how bad the situation looked in his eyes.

Remember the leper who came to Jesus imploring Him, "Lord if you're willing, You can make me clean."  He has no doubt that Jesus can heal him but the big question in his mind is that will He?  This seems to be a big hurdle for most believers when it comes to the area of receiving because your faith will only be effective when you know the will of God.

Look at Jesus' reply.  "I am willing."  And he was delivered immediately.  And it wasn't Jesus' power that zap the disease out of the man but it was his faith that suddenly rose to the surface.  Now he not only believed that Jesus can heal but he also believed that He'll do it for him.  Now things don't look so hard anymore.  

What is your faith founded upon?  Is it founded upon the circumstances based on your senses, or is it founded upon the Word of God?  Because the Word of God is the will of God.  Do you know His will?  If you answer yes to that, then there isn't anything too difficult for you.  What does His Word says about your situation today?

If you can believe, all things are possible for him who believes.  -Mk 9:23


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